Triple Update on Lit Major Shoots Zombies

Alright, so I’m a little late in posting this notice, but I have a three-chapter update to the Lit Major Shoots Zombies story.  All three chapters follow the same narrative arc.  What begins as a simple trip to see if a local fortune-teller can help decipher Chris’ mysterious dreams quickly turns into a hunt for a mysterious entity that’s controlling the ravens around Kingsmouth.  Chris and Kaiyo will face danger as never before: and one of them will die!  No, honestly, one of them dies—I swear!

These chapters were fun to write and flowed naturally into one another for me, even if they did take some time.  They allowed me to do some good character development and to cover my favorite quest in The Secret World game so far.  “The Ravens” is a quest that, I think, does horror very well.  I think Extra Credits would agree (if you haven’t watched any of their videos and you’re interested in games, stories, or even history, you definitely should check them out).  “The Ravens” has the player doing fairly mundane tasks most of the time, simply following ravens around the map, but it uses those long stretches to build up tension as the mounting number of ravens signals increasingly to the player that something is not right about these birds.  Then you step in to circle of unnaturally-silent ravens, flying all around you, and then…well, I won’t spoil it in case any of you want to read the chapters or play the game for yourself!  Suffice it to say that is the only time a video game has made me truly jump out of my chair in fright.  The opponent you face is grusome or terrifying (well, unless you count the simple factor of the unknown as terrifying, which it definitely can be!), or even dangerous by the game’s standards, but the design of the quest works the horror in so well that it doesn’t need to be any of that to be one of the most memorable and frightening monsters a player will face in Kingsmouth.

Anyway, check it out if you’d like to see my tribute to such well-done horror, and read up on a dramatic turn in Chris’ adventures.  I hope you enjoy!  If you like it let me know.

Meanwhile I have other things I’ve been up to that need posting…

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